Lalitha Taylor, BSc, RD
Lalitha Taylor is an award-winning registered dietitian and a former Dietitians of Canada National Spokesperson.
Some Personal History:
Raised in Lacombe, Alberta, Lalitha grew up surrounded by farms and a family community that emphasized the importance of being in nature and eating wholesome foods. Her passion for nutrition was initially ignited by a love of sports. Lalitha played competitive soccer in university and was keen on learning how nutrition could help enhance her athletic performance. After being diagnosed with a chronic auto-immune disease at the age of 19, her desire to help prevent and manage disease with proper nutrition prompted Lalitha to become a dietitian.
Journey as a Dietitian:
After practicing as a clinical and private practice dietitian for 15 years, Lalitha has expertise in sports nutrition, weight and chronic disease management, auto-immune diseases such as type 2 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, plant-based diets, eating disorders, media and much more.
Lalitha has worked in the following areas:
Renal Dietitian—University of Alberta Nephrology (2 years)
Private Practice Dietitian—Revive Wellness (2+ years)
Clinical and Community Dietitian—Peru and South Africa (1 year)
Primary Care Dietitian—Edmonton Southside Primary Care Network (10+ years)
Private Practice Dietitian—Taylor Nutrition (current)
Not only does Lalitha have extensive experience working with patients and clients, she has created and facilitated hundreds of presentations and workshops. Lalitha has created workshops for the following groups and organizations: University of Alberta Medical Residency Programs, University of Alberta Nutrition Program, Government of Alberta, Primary Care Networks (in-services for staff and workshops for patients), Paul Manning Hockey Camps, Mount Carmel Hockey Academy and much more.
Lalitha completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Food and Nutritional Science from the University of Alberta in 2005. She is a member of Dietitians of Canada and the College of Dietitians of Alberta.
Media Work:
Recognized as an eloquent communicator, she is often called upon by the media to comment on a wide range of nutrition topics. She is the nutrition columnist for CBC Edmonton Radio and regular contributor to Global Edmonton/National, CTV2's Alberta Primetime former Lifestyle Panel and TSN1260 radio. Lalitha was also a National Spokesperson for Dietitians of Canada for over 3 years. Lalitha is the presenter and/or co-creator of 35 out of the over 100 videos currently broadcast daily on Health Unlimited TV. She excels in the art of translating scientific nutrition research into easy to understand, practical advice for consumers and is featured in print, broadcast and electronic media across Canada.
Lalitha has been the recipient of multiple prestigious awards including the following:
1) a 2015 Top 40 Under 40 designation for her work and volunteerism from Avenue Edmonton magazine;
2) a Dietitians of Canada 2016 "Association Catalyst" Member Recognition Award for exceptional contribution to the advancement of the dietetics profession as nominated by her peers;
3) a 2017 University of Alberta Alumni Horizon Award (which recognizes the outstanding achievements of University of Alberta alumni early in their careers) based on her work to educate and inspire Canadians on nutrition and healthy lifestyles;
4) a 2017 College of Dietitians of Alberta Preceptor Recognition Award for exceptional contributions and impact to teaching and learning, role modeling professionalism, and mentoring in dietetics career planning as nominated by dietetic interns and colleagues; and
5) a 2018 Parkview Adventist Academy Alumnus of the Year Award in recognition of exceptional professional achievement, community service, church and school support.
Personal Interests and Sport Pursuits:
Lalitha currently enjoys weight training, trail running and road-biking. She was the gold medal recipient for the 2015 Alberta Triathlon Association Age Group Championship Series in Duathlon for Women 30-39 years old and also represented Canada at the 2015 and 2017 Duathlon Age-Group World Championships.
On a daily basis, she attempts to make palatable meals for her family! Her goal is to learn the ukulele this year.